Her Worship the Mayor, Ms Carmen Gomez GMD invites nominations from members of the public for the next conferral of Mayor’s Awards to be held during the month of March.

The Mayor’s Awards have become a permanent fixture in Gibraltar’s annual civic calendar and serve to highlight the extraordinary achievements of members of our community.

Having started as a lifesaving award for members of the essential services displaying a high degree of valour, the scope of the awards was later widened to include persons who have served Gibraltar in a distinguished manner, over a prolonged period and/or for a specific event or achievement. Nominees will have made a difference to our society.

The Nomination Form can be downloaded from the website of the Mayor of Gibraltar at www.mayor.gi or collected from the Reception at City Hall.

The completed Form must be returned to the Mayor’s Office or sent via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Friday 2nd February 2024.

The Awards Committee will then convene to select the Award recipients, after which the date of the Ceremony will be announced.

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