In line with the Government’s manifesto commitment to make Housing work for those who need it the most, the Ministry for Housing are making a proactive effort to address the issue of vacant Government rental properties.

Individuals are encouraged to report any Government rental properties that are seemingly empty or abandoned to a new dedicated hotline. This will allow the Ministry for Housing to take appropriate action to reallocate these properties to those who need them and reduce the waiting list. Reports can be anonymous and all information provided will be treated with the strictest confidence.

Reports can be made 24/7 by calling 200 40040 and via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Minister for Housing, the Hon Pat Orfila, said: ‘I made a commitment to take a no-nonsense approach to getting the job done of helping people who need it and I’m determined to see that through. Government rental flats are owned by the people, and it is only right and fair that they are allocated to those who need them most. The worst thing we can do is let them lie empty and unused. If there is a Government rental property that you think is unoccupied, please let us know, anonymously if you like. The Ministry will investigate and make sure that these properties are allocated to the benefit of the whole community.

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