The Minister for Transport and Traffic has this morning met with the Transport Advisory Committee to consult the members of the forum on the recently announced road closures.

The meeting with the committee members was to discuss extensively the upcoming closures and restrictions that will come into operation as from the 1st June. The Minister welcomed the very positive and objective comments and advisory observations tabled by the members of the panel, who have all welcomed the initiative.

This forms part of the ongoing comprehensive consultation process which HMGoG has embarked upon which will involve all sectors of our community who wish to participate in providing their invaluable views and comments.

The Minster for Transport and Traffic, the Hon Vijay Daryanani said: “The Government continues with its venture to actively consult with as many members of our community as possible. This project will be good for Gibraltar as we promote more sustainable forms of transport and healthier lifestyles. We are set as a Government to pursue these environmental initiatives as part of a greener and healthier Gibraltar that will benefit our future generations.”

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