HM Government of Gibraltar have said it is delighted to note the answer provided by the European Commission to a question tabled by Maite Pagazaurtundúa Ruiz (ALDE) on the subject of ‘Gibraltar tax information’.

The Commission's answer confirms the Government of Gibraltar’s long-stated position, which the OECD and the EU's own Code Group has confirmed; Gibraltar's financial services are not in any way "harmful" to the tax authorities of other member states. The prejudice held against Gibraltar by some uninformed sources in Spain can best be countered by a serious analysis of the type published by the Commissioner Moscovici in answer to this question. When a fair and objective assessment is made by an impartial observer, Gibraltar benefits from clear statements that we comply with our international obligations.

"No one should for one moment believe that Brexit is going to change our attitude of compliance to the highest international standards in respect of the financial services offered from our jurisdiction."

The question submitted by Maite Pagazaurtundúa Ruiz (ALDE) is available at:

The answer provided by the European Commission is available at:


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