Phill Brear, Gibraltar’s retiring head of Gambling was awarded the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award last Wednesday evening at the Gambling Compliance Awards, which was held at the Sheraton Grand in Central London.

His years of regulatory service to the sector and the excellence of his work in a changing and challenging sector is what set him apart from his competitors for the award.

The presentation was made at a packed Gala event hosted by Gambling Compliance and attended by Gaming firms, professional advisors and service providers to the sector. Gibraltar firms were also successful in other awards made including Playtech and Kindred.

Mr & Mrs Brear and his successor Andrew Lyman and Mrs Lyman were hosted by Peter Montegriffo and Peter Isola in a joint Hassans/Isolas table which also included as their guests Minister Isola, Mr and Mrs Dominique Searle, James Neish, Andrew Montegriffo and Steven Caetano.

Minister Isola commented, “This is recognition from an independent body, of what we all in Gibraltar already know; Mr Brear has been an outstanding contributor to our success as a Gaming Jurisdiction, and more widely has been a key driver to the online gaming model as it has evolved and developed these past 10 years. Regulators like Phill are an unusual breed; expert in this area, frank and open in his deliberations and pragmatic and proportionate in his approach. This with his integrity, have contributed hugely to the respect he enjoys not just in the sector or its professionals, but with the Ministers and Chief Ministers he has served since his appointment. We are fortunate to have him continue to work with us, despite his retirement, to support his successor and the Jurisdiction.

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