The Minister for Sport, the Hon Leslie Bruzon, attended the 11th Commonwealth Sports Ministers meeting in Paris, France on the 25th July.

The theme this year was “Building Inclusive and Resilient Societies through Sport” and was hosted by the Canadian Government represented by the Minister for Sport and Physical Activity, the Hon Carla Qualtrough.

Accompanied by the GSLA’S CEO Reagan Lima, Minister Bruzon met with colleagues from the Commonwealth, discussing matters of mutual interest in relation to sport, physical activity and other related issues.

The meetings, usually held on the eve of the Olympic Games in the host city of the Olympiad, not only bring together Ministers from the entirety of the Commonwealth, representing 2.7 billion people worldwide, but on this occasion the floor was also addressed by the French Minister for Sport, Amelie Oudea Castera.

Minister Bruzon also made contact with Mr Chris Jenkins, President of the Commonwealth Games Federation. Amongst other things, the future of the Commonwealth Games was discussed which was of particular relevance given that one of the agenda items was “Resetting the Commonwealth Games of the future”.

The Minister for Sport, the Hon Leslie Bruzon, said: “In the same way that I expect registered associations who are full members of their internal governing bodies to be active participants not only in competitions but in AGMs and Executive meetings, it was important that I attended the meetings in Paris. Gibraltar is and will continue to be an active member of both the Commonwealth and the Commonwealth Games, and His Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar’s representation at these occasions is crucial to reaffirm this commitment.”

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