His Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar (HMGoG), via the Department of the Environment, Sustainability, Climate Change and Heritage, has launched the procurement process for a Waste Management Facility in Gibraltar.

The planned facility forms a critical component of HMGoG's drive to improve its waste management resilience whilst meeting key environmental commitments under Gibraltar's Climate Change Strategy. These include increased recycling targets and reduced quantities of mixed municipal waste sent to landfill.

The proposed site for the Waste Management Facility is located at Dobinson Way, Europa Advance Road and HMGoG has said it intends to have the facility commissioned by no later than the end of 2024. Given the nature of operational waste management activities, general requirements on the appearance of the facility have been outlined from the outset with the need to both construct the facility in keeping with the surrounding environment and house all waste management operations undercover and therefore obscured from public view. The facility will also need planning approval from the Development and Planning Commission.

All submissions received will be subjected to a rigorous environmental, technical and financial assessment process. The tender document containing further technical and submission information can be accessed from HMGoG’s Procurement Portal https://hmgogsupplier.gibraltar.gov.gi following a registration process. The closing date for interested parties has been set for noon on the 6th June 2023.

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