The Ministry for Business says it is pleased to announce that the Business Liaison Team’s One Stop Shop will commence face-to-face meetings with members of the public following the relaxation of COVID measures as from Monday 19th April 2021.

On 1st February 2021 HM Government of Gibraltar launched phase one of the One Stop Shop where the Business Liaison Team was available, via email, to provide support and guidance to individuals on the business start-up process.

The Government is now launching the second phase as COVID-19 restrictions have been relaxed. This phase includes the introduction of an appointment service with the Business Liaison Team. All paperwork required to start up a business will be provided during this meeting. This will do away with the need for individuals to visit all the different government departments to obtain the relevant documentation. Those interested in booking an appointment can call 200 59801.

Minister for Business, the Hon Vijay Daryanani MP said: “We have received very positive feedback since the One Stop Shop started assisting businesses via email. We now move onto the full commencement of the service. Our small businesses are the heartbeat of our economy and I want to help as many new ventures succeed. These are difficult times but our people have not lost the enthusiasm to start up with new projects demonstrating, once again, that the Gibraltarian entrepreneur will never give up”.

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