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The Minister for Education, the Hon Gilbert Licudi QC, yesterday renewed the agreement between HMGoG and the The Washington Center (TWC). The Chief International Officer and Senior Vice President, Pilar Mendiola-Fernández for TWC, who flew over from Washington especially for this occasion, met with Mr Licudi at Gibraltar House in London for the signing ceremony.

 Minister Licudi with Pilar Mendiola-Fernández

This new agreement is for a further three years and will allow for another 60 students to benefit from the extremely successful Internship programme arranged by TWC. 

The programme includes opportunities for interning with major corporations, NGOs, law firms, state and private institutions. 

Minister Licudi said: "This new programme builds on the very evident successes of the last three years. The excellent partnership established between the HMGoG and the Washington Center will continue to allow our young people to benefit from the learning and developmental opportunities afforded by a world class internship programme."