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As part of the National Week celebrations and to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the 1967 Referendum Her Worship the Mayor of Gibraltar shall open the Mayor’s Parlour to the community.

This will give those members of the public who have not had the opportunity to visit the City Hall to come and view the attractive decoration of the Parlour.

Opening times shall be from Tuesday 5th September to Friday 8th September from 9am to 1pm.

The Mayor’s Parlour was restored to its original beauty in February 2000. The restoration had commenced in March 1999 and took 11 months to complete. The decoration is a wonderful example of Empire style and also includes many Neoclassical features; the layout of the ceiling paintings and the medallions, which feature four roman emperors, are perfectly symmetrical.

The ceiling in the inner chamber was also richly decorated but in a much softer style. These featured floral motifs and cherubs. Due to the original paintings being lost and no descriptions available for the inner chamber, the restorers replaced the original paintings with new images of flowers indigenous to Gibraltar.

The Mayoral Robes and Regalia will also be on display during the Parlour opening.